Life changes...
Life is in a constant state of change. Essentially most of life is change. Situations change, people change, and so do things that you once thought to be permanent. We are here for who knows what reason, probably on individual missions as I like to believe, and everyday is a challenge for us overcoming the changes that affect our lives. So what is there to do about it?
In order to be really successful in life, you have got to be true to yourself. You have to not care about any outside opinions and you just gotta go out there and make your reality come true. Everyday you have got to get yourself one step closer to your goal than you were the day before and keep at it.
Success doesn't come easy, in fact, you will probably work harder than you will ever have worked in your life to get there, but it is worth it! Only the truly successful make more goals than excuses because they know that change is the nature of life, and that the more that life tries to change your surroundings, the more obstacles you have to overcome. Only the truly successful finish the day dead exhausted with a smile on their face. Only the truly successful take every breath that they breath and use that to fuel that fire that is burning within them to be successful, to be where they want to be, to be what they are capable of, to be able to present themselves by what they do rather than what they say, to be able to look at themselves in the mirror and say to that person that they are proud to be that person's twin because they are friken awesome!
What people don't understand about success is that it is not a point that someone reaches one day. It is much more accessible than that. True success is a habit. It is a lifestyle that individuals put themselves into to be at their best! It is a lifestyle in which individuals don't quit and follow their heart. It is a lifestyle that is personalized to themselves that allows them to do what no one else can. If people would just know that, there would be much more successful people in the world, but why isn't this happening?
The reason is simple. There is no spark behind the individual to get fired up! Instead of going out to get what is most important to the individual, our society is setting up to have things come to us... and so what are we doing...waiting! There are too many people waiting on the rations of life to live instead of already living! The only chance you have of getting anything you want in the world is going out and getting it yourself! If you are not fired up, get that motivation going! Get it for YOU!
This is your one and only chance to live. Life threw you here in this game and now you gotta play, and not just play... play to win! Take risks! Go ALL OUT! Take your life by the horns! Confront those obstacles and overcome each and every one of them!
I am "The Furnace", with or without the quotes, a fire in this dark universe using my abilities to get the people fired up and guide them to personal success! I am about truth, perserversence, optimism, and changing the world! You can find me on Twitter or at Furnace Level, my website to motivate the world with the most inspirational content on the internet!
My hope is to go through life being me, not letting life's changes obstruct my path to success, and inspiring the fiery passion in others to go after their goals.
You will hear much more from me, but this is it for now.
Spread the fire!
The Furnace